Betclic – Cote d’Ivoire

Betclic asked us to rethink their 360 presence in Cote d’Ivoire. The result is a series of funny and engaging TV copies around passion but that’s not all! We’ve also gone the extra length by painting hundreds of Gbaka with Betclic color to make the brand ultra visible in major cities.

Michelin Formula E

Boost engagement for the Michelin brand during the Diriyah Grand Prix (Formula E) and allow for prospect/client data collection by creating a digital mobile game allowing users to race against each other while collecting data.

Brasseries Bourbon – La Dodo lé la

How to rejuvenate a Reunion institution that hasn’t changed in 50 years without losing its soul? Change the bottle for one that is more modern and bring it to life by launching special collector editions and reinforce with digital activations.

Rinogrip Imex Pharma

How to bring a flagship flu medication back to the forefront? By creating a series of fun and quirky films dealing with the undesirable effects of the flu on the daily lives of west-africans.

Rhum Charrette

Strategic advice, design/creation of operations, limited edition packaging, digital activation.

KFC – 360°

Strategic advice, design/creation of operations (launch, restaurant openings, product launches, Community Management and editing.

Corbeille d’Or – Nout île

Advice, design/creation of image and activation campaigns, story-telling, media application and in-store dramatization for the Reunion-based condiment brand Corbeille d’Or (oil and sauces).

Cilam – Australine

Strategic advice, design/creation, web design, Brand film, OP Trade, street marketing.

LVMH – Hennessy

Improve Hennessy brand notoriety in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana to a premium, male and urban target through a programmatic campaign fully built by the agency.

Lesaffre – Branding

How to standardize SAF-INSTANT branding through the creation of a dedicated approach for Africa? We’ve created a global charter to be used by local agencies in order to get more consistency on the content produced even locally.

Laicran – Ramadan Kareem

How to increase notoriety of the Laicran Facebook page, Senegalese milk market leader? Launch a contest during important 2023 local holidays: Saint Valentine’s Day, Ramadan, Eid.

Brasseries Bourbon – Dodo Picnic

We’ve managed to get Brasseries Bourbon the Guinness World Record for the longest picnic table in la Réunion through a never seen before activation where all the core fans of the brands where invited to a crazy picnic in la Réunion.

BFC Société Générale

Strategic advice and design/creation of 360° online and offline campaigns, editing, Community Management.

Michelin Guide Launch

Our goal: help discover the world of Michelin Gastronomy with the Michelin community in the UAE. Implement a 1-month Drive and Dine campaign including:
-Staging of car influencers in Dubai and Abu Dhabi
-Facebook and Instagram campaigns integrating the two themes
-Digital quiz about UAE locations and culinary specialties allowing for prospect/client data collection

Garnier Vitamin C

Organize a launch event to promote the Garnier Vitamin C Serum in different countries: DRC, Senegal, Cameroon and Gabon… Help discover the new Garnier skincare product, and above all generate enthusiasm around the new serum’s launch through the use of influencers and content creators invited to the events.

Maybelline Valentine’s day 2023

Raise interest among internet users for the brand and star products using influencers and a contest. Scope influencers (Senegal, Benin, Cameroon, Congo and DRC) produced a step-by-step video using RAL. They incited consumers to go a Maybelline POS to win a romantic getaway.

Betclic Gbaka Project

To raise a massive level of awareness following our TV campaigns we’ve worked with Betclic in order to paint hundreds of Gbaka (collective taxis) for a never seen before activation!

BFGoodrich Dakar 2023

Raise awareness and interest in the Dakar Rally in Saudi Arabia and in BFGoodrich as official tire sponsor. Our approach: bring 5 major influencers with off-road and car racing experience to Saudi Arabia to cover the event. The influencers recieved VIP experiences, such as Jeep outings in the desert with new BFGoodrich tires, meetings with rally pilots and an introduction to the rally structure and navigation. We also proposed an RSE activation to remove used tires that the pilots usually abandon in the desert.

Michelin Safe Mobility

Raise safe mobility awareness with children and parents. To ensure safe driving, we organized a safety program specially designed to raise awareness among children and parents near the schools. Car tires were checked to ensure that they weren’t damaged and tire pressure was adequate. The Michelin Man was also present.

BFGoodrich Morocco Rally

Promote the Morocco Rally, last official race before Dakar, for which BFGoodrich is the exclusive partner.

Promote the event by allowing rally fans to follow a race with the BFGoodrich teams.

AfricaMillions TV campaign

How-to communicate about the new Pan-African lottery while making the African lottery accessible to consumers? By creating a TV copy promoting the Pan-African lottery. A film with the goal of discovery through humour without overly evoking money, AfricaMillions as well as the possible winnings.

Kiabi Drive to Store Dakar

How-to develop notoriety and in-store traffic for Kiabi in Senegal? By creating the Kiabi Fashion Bus, a bus tour concept that solves the client’s no. 1 problem – transportation – by offering them a shuttle to stores. This created an immersive experience for consumers, but also allowed them to learn about the brand through bus branding. During the trip, passengers were transformed into ambassadors by the hosts, and were provided with promotional coupons to give to friends and family.

Queen Mixa 2021

Create a dedicated song for the launch of the 2021 Miss Mixa contest. The song was sung by MAYA, a Senegalese star singer. The song’s goal is to promote the natural beauty of African women and promote their different skin complexions.

Etam Kinshasa Launch

Create an influencer campaign with: Stéphanie Bope, Fatoumata Mbemba, Cynthia Kifuka, and Kinsala Keren around the opening of the Etam’s flagship store in Kinshasa (DRC). The campaign was structured around a teasing and seeding phase, a reveal and a post-activation follow-up to create a long tail effect.

Maybelline Dakar

Create a visible mall activation in Dakar centred on a kiosk designed specifically for the operation.












Le Forban

Brasseries Bourbon



Orange Bank


Crédit Agricole

Société Générale




Système U

E. Leclerc

Leroy Merlin




Serge Beynaud – Mosquito Silence

Seb Group asked us to create a viral campaign to push their Tefal fan product during the mosquito season in Cote d’Ivoire. Blue Lions came up with a plan that involved a hit song from a major Ivorian artist: Serge Beynaud and a video-clip that would work as a commercial and a clip everyone would watch.


Pourriez-vous vous présenter en quelques lignes afin que notre communauté vous connaisse mieux ? Comment définiriez-vous votre style/votre univers ?

Je me présente Shérazade Laoudedj, je suis née à Oran et j’ai grandi en Algérie jusqu’à l’âge de 24 ans où je me suis mariée et je suis arrivée en France et plus précisément à Paris. J’ai effectué des études de médecine avec pour seule motivation de devenir médecin sans frontières. Etre au service des autres est très important pour moi.

Je suis très polyvalente, en effet j’ai démarré en 2010 sur un blog J’ai beaucoup appris en autodidacte le stylisme et la photo culinaire, l’écriture des billets, le référencement, le code …

C’est une expérience très enrichissante et très prenante et qui permet de développer la persévérance et le goût de l’effort continu. J’ai, à présent, un palmarès de 5 émissions différentes diffusées sur diverses chaînes du monde arabe (tout de même disponibles en France évidemment via le bouquet Maghreb auprès de l’ensemble des opérateurs). J’ai, également, été chroniqueuse sur France 2, pour l’émission « c’est au programme » auprès de Sophie Davant. Pour sortir du thème du petit écran, j’ai publié deux livres, ce qui fait de moi une auteur culinaire : le premier ouvrage s’intitulait « les joyaux de la cuisine algérienne » pour faire le lien avec mon blog devenu site très consulté et le second « ma cuisine algérienne », réalisé avec les éditions Solar.

On pourrait me qualifier de Chef culinaire et influenceuse sur les réseaux sociaux pour résumer la chose.
L’authenticité est très certainement mon plus grand atout.

Quel a été votre déclencheur et pourquoi vous êtes-vous lancée dans l’aventure des blogueurs et dans le monde des réseaux sociaux ?

Mon déclencheur peut paraître atypique. Pour tout vous expliquer, c’est ma passion pour la cuisine qui m’a menée jusqu’ici. Je préparais très souvent des pâtisseries et gâteaux en tous genres à mes enfants lorsqu’ils étaient encore tous jeunes. Un jour que j’amenais des pâtisseries pour la kermesse de fin d’année scolaire, la directrice d’établissement m’interpela suite au succès de mes réalisations en me disant : madame soit vous écrivez un livre, soit vous monter un blog pour partager votre passion et votre savoir-faire.

Après m’être renseignée, j’optais pour le second choix de me lancer dans le blogging. Près d’une année plus tard j’avais acquis une petite notoriété. Plus le temps passait, plus cela prenait une place importante dans ma vie. Ce passe-temps pris une telle ampleur que, me voilà, entrain de vous raconter mon parcours.

Quelle communauté ciblez-vous ?

Mon contenu ne cible pas une communauté en particulier. J’accueille chez moi tous les intéressés par la cuisine méditerranéenne. Autant les adeptes que ceux qui souhaitent découvrir. N’importe qui est le bienvenu, il serait peu réfléchi d’empêcher qui que ce soit de goûter à notre patrimoine si peu connu et pourtant si fascinant. La cuisine maghrébine et en particulier la cuisine algérienne est en effet goûteuse, savoureuse, merveilleuse et surtout généreuse à l’image des algériens.

Une collaboration/partenariat vous a-t-elle plus marquée que d’autres ?

Oh oui, vous éveillez en moi de très beaux souvenirs en me posant cette question. J’ai adoré ma collaboration avec Saf instant pour de nombreuses raisons. La première d’entre elles, était un véritable challenge dans la mesure où je me suis engagée dans une communication pour stopper une polémique lancée à la TV et qui enflait sur les réseaux sociaux avec pour objectif de détruire l’image de Saf instant en Algérie.

Une marque qui existe depuis + de 40 ans. Ensuite, nous avons travaillé sur leur stratégie marketing de reconquête des familles algériennes. Je les ai aidés à reconstruire leur image en Algérie, un pays que je connais sous toutes ses facettes, mon pays de cœur.

Par ailleurs, j’ai tourné 12 capsules pour communiquer sur la transmission des savoir-faire culinaires de génération en génération. Une belle aventure humaine et professionnelle qui dure depuis 3 ans déjà.

Qu’est-ce qu’être blogueuse vous apporte au quotidien ?

Tout d’abord, mon blog a en quelque sorte été le début de tout. C’est le prologue du long roman, encore inachevé de ma carrière. Il a constitué un semblant de curriculum vitae qui m’a par la suite permis d’aboutir aux nombreux projets dont je vous ai précédemment parlé. Mais avant tout, il a été mon premier lien avec ma communauté que je considère même à présent comme une famille.
L’image la plus saisissante a été lors du second Festival des Influenceurs Culinaires en 2017 au cours duquel j’ai partagé mon expérience devant un parterre de 500 blogueurs et blogueuses. J’ai réalisé que j’étais pionnière et que je faisais rêver un grand nombre de jeunes désireux se lancer dans l’aventure.

Qu’est-ce qu’une proposition de collaboration réussie selon vous ?

Une collaboration réussie est pour moi une recette simple, une recette nécessitant peu d’ingrédients mais des ingrédients de choix, voyez-vous? Tout d’abord, il faut beaucoup de respect, comme dans tout il me semble. Respect de soi même autant que respect de l’autre sont la base de la préparation. Autre aspect majeur: la confiance, je fonctionne comme cela. Ajoutez à cela un brin d’imagination, une pincée de sympathie et une bonne poignée de temps mélangé à de l’investissement et vous obtiendrez le résultat attendu. Satisfaction garantie !

Vos collaborations se font plutôt dans la durée. C’est important pour vous lorsque les marques vous proposent une expérience sur le long-terme ?

Totalement! Je préfère travailler sur une longue durée avec les marques, cela donne des rendus que j’adore. Le temps permet une meilleure complicité entre l’équipe qui m’accompagne et moi-même, la qualité de la production n’en est que meilleure car je me sens d’avantage imprégnée par les valeurs de la marque. De plus, j’éprouve une affection pour la marque qui fait que je souhaite continuer de travailler avec elle ! Le One-shot ne m’intéresse pas même si la rémunération est importante.

Quels sont les retours de votre communauté par rapport à vos collaborations ?

En général, je reçois de très bons retours de la part de mes followers. Mes collaborations sont toujours qualitatives et mes abonnés ont confiance en moi. Ils savent que je fais peu de collaborations et que je n’en fait que lorsque je suis intimement convaincue que le produit que je présente vaut le coup !

Ils ne sont donc jamais déçus de ce que je leur présente. Bien au contraire, je reçois beaucoup de marque d’affection, d’encouragements, de fierté de la part de mes fans.

Quel est le secret pour conserver l’authenticité lorsqu’on travaille avec des marques ?

Il n’y a pas de secret pour conserver son authenticité lors d’un partenariat. Il suffit de rester vrai, de conserver ses valeurs si vous préférez. De ne se laisser détourner sous aucun prétexte. Pas de fausse promesse, seuls l’honnêteté intellectuelle, rester soi-même et ne jamais sur-vendre le produit ou ses fonctionnalités fonctionnent sur la communauté car les
gens partagent leurs propres expériences et n’hésitent plus à être promoteurs ou détracteurs. Également, il faut (comme je l’ai dit précédemment) ne travailler qu’avec des marques en qui l’on a confiance, qui partagent nos idées, nos valeurs et dont on connaît l’étendue. Encore une fois c’est une valeur primordiale dans la vie quotidienne.

Le mot de la fin :  
Pour finir, je souhaitais rappeler que je suis très heureuse de travailler avec Blue Lions, c’est une agence professionnelle et réceptive. Elle véhicule de nombreuses valeurs que je partage telles que la confiance, la proximité et l’exigence. Elle m’oblige à élever mon niveau et livrer des prestations de qualité et à la hauteur des attentes formulées.



Start Your Impossible

Blue Lions is working with Toyota on a global branding campaign across the African continent. We have produced a series of interviews to showcase exceptional people that managed to overcome huge difficulties to achieve success. For this campaign we also managed the online and offline media buying (press/print).

BIC Kids Evolution

BIC has asked us to create a campaign for MENA and SSA to promote products from their Kids Evolution line. We have produced 3 films x 2 main zones (MENA & SSA) that will be broadcast digitally and on TV across the African continent and the Middle-East.

Ebène Afrique

CFAO is working with Blue Lions to manage its Ebène Facebook page. We are producing content and buying media to increase the brand’s overall reach.

AFD Lead Campus

Lead Campus has trusted Blue Lions to build their digital presence (Facebook/LinkedIn and more) of their MBA dedicated to African talent. We have produced videos, local roadshows to promote the campus and we produced a PR/e-PR campaign to develop as much organic reach as possible.

Toyota RAV4 launch

CFAO Motors has trusted Blue Lions to create a new campaign for the launch of their new RAV-4 across the African continent. Beyond the global claim and key visuals, we have helped CFAO Motors produce all the POS materials for this exciting new vehicle.

Leader Price

GBH group has trusted Blue Lions to manage the launch of Leader Price in the Ivory Coast. It includes social media channels (including Whatsapp), events and ATL copies (TV/Radio/Print).

SIB (Attijariwafa Group)

The SIB (Société Ivorienne de Banque) is working with Blue Lions to manage their social media channels to become one of the leading digital-friendly banks in the Ivory Coast.

A+ Ivoire

Blue Lions’ Abidjan team is managing the A+ Ivoire Facebook channel! A+ Ivoire is one of the leading Ivorian TV channels (but it’s also watched all across the region).

Président African Recipes

Lactalis has trusted Blue Lions to launch and manage social media channels for their leading camembert brand: Président. You can find creative recipes on a dedicated Facebook page and listen to Karelle, one of the leading food influencers in West & Central Africa.

The Blend Society by Chivas

Blue Lions Morocco is working closely with Pernod Ricard to produce crafty content for The Blend Society platform, an exclusive club for epicureans.

Maison Castel on Facebook

Castel Frères has trusted Blue Lions to manage content production and media buying for their Facebook channel in West & Central Africa.

Legrand DataCloud Event

Blue Lions built a booth for one of the world’s biggest suppliers of electrical solutions: Legrand. The booth was on display during the DataCloud Event in Accra, Ghana.

Nollywood TV

Thema has trusted Blue Lions to manage their social media channels, including Nollywood TV, the digital counterpart of its TV channel. Since Nollywood TV is one of the most trendy channels in Africa, Blue Lions is very proud to produce content and help improve its overall reach and engagement.

Tefal Algeria

Blue Lions launched and is managing the Tefal Algeria Facebook page for the Seb Group, including recipe production, media buying and global content production.

Calor Algeria

Calor (Seb Group) has trusted Blue Lions to build an influencer campaign in Algeria to promote their latest smoothing brush. The results? More than 1 million organic views!

Ramadan Campaign for Seb/Tefal

Blue Lions helped the Seb Group to build a specific Ramadan campaign for Algeria. Starring TV host and cooking influencer Sherazade, the campaign was broadcast on Samira TV as well as Facebook, and the brands were the most-watched during this period in their category.

CFAO Motors

Leader Price



Société Ivoirienne de Banque


Pernod Ricard

Groupe Castel

The Walt Disney Company

Thema TV


TV5 Monde


Ashok Leyland

Ashok Leyland has trusted Blue Lions to manage the launch of its new range of trucks in the Ivory Coast. The launch included an event as well as digital and public relations.

Rehau Roadshow

Blue Lions and Rehau are putting together an incredible roadshow to showcase Rehau’s new products using physical and digital activations.

Garnier Afrique

L’Oréal is working with Blue Lions to position Garnier, one of its leading brands, on the African continent through social media and digital activations.

SFA Middle-East

SFA has trusted Blue Lions to create the communications strategy for its Middle East digital presence with a focus on the Big5 event.

Pullman Abidjan

Pullman Abidjan is trusting Blue Lions to manage their social media strategy during their major renovations.

La Croissanterie

Blue Lions is managing the social media strategy for La Croissanterie, a fast-food chain in West-Africa.

Renault Trucks Africa

Renault Trucks is trusting Blue Lions with its digital and social media strategy across the African continent to improve brand awareness and conversion rates.

The Laughing Cow (Bel)

Blue Lions is partnering with the Bel Group to manage The Laughing Cow’s digital and offline activations across South-Africa through very innovative VR events.


Baloon is a new insurance player in the Ivory Coast. It aims to disrupt the market! As such, they have partnered with Blue Lions for its country launch.

Blue Lions is helping Meilleur Taux in Morocco with their digital communications.

Yves Rocher

Blue Lions is working with Yves Rocher in North-Africa, increasing their social media presence through local brand content production and community management!

Dark and Lovely Afrique

Softsheen Carson is working with Blue Lions to manage their Dark and Lovely social media channels in French-speaking Africa.

Maybelline Mauritius

Maybelline by l’Oréal in Mauritius and the French DOM-TOM is working with Blue Lions to manage its Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp digital channels.

BF (Unilever)

Unilever is working with Blue Lions for its Ivory Coast-based soap brand BF. Blue Lions is managing its digital channels.


In the Ivory Coast, Blue Lions is working with SNCV to manage communications for Waraba, the country’s biggest biscuit brand.

Pharma5 healthcare

Pharma5, one of the biggest African biopharmaceutical companies, is working with Blue Lions to manage their digital channels.

Miss Mixa 2017

Following the great results from the first year, Blue Lions launched the second edition of Miss Mixa for l’Oréal and Mixa.

Grandi Navi Veloci

GNV is the leading ferry company transporting passengers and cars between North-Africa and Europe. Blue Lions helps them with their digital presence and digital media planning.


We are helping CloseUp (Unilever) to get closer to its community by feeding them with awesome content daily.


In Casablanca, Blue Lions prepared the 4th Edition of “l’Observatoire International du Commerce” for Euler-Hermes. It took care of event setup and management, PR and e-PR, partner identification…


Blue Lions is working together with Renault Ivory Coast to develop their digital presence and create a strong bond with their clients and leads.

Novotel Abidjan

Blue Lions organized a New Year’s Eve party at Novotel where hundreds of guests came together for a event based on a mysterious theme…

Radisson Blu

Blue Lions is working closely with Radisson Blu in West Africa to set up their digital presence.

Miss Mixa 2016

In May 2016, L’Oréal, with the help of Blue Lions, launched a major contest to elect an African digital “muse.” By setting up an activation around it, and with the strong support of Amina Magazine, more than 600 participants submitted their pictures to run for Miss Mixa.


Blue Lions is working with Unilever to manage Rexona’s digital assets in West Africa. By building fresh and integrated activations, we are working hard on brand awareness.

We are working with the team to set up their digital strategy in West Africa to ensure the successful launch of this amazing website.


Rehau has trusted us with the launch of the second season of #REHAUTHERAPY across Europe. 360° advertising campaign for REHAU Windows – leader in plastic materials. B2C campaign set up around the concept of Rehautherapy. Shooting of 3 movies, digital activations and e-PR. Have a look at the films here: watch the films on YouTube and check out the website here:

Orange Football Club

Orange has trusted us with a social media plan dedicated to Africa for the growth of its Orange Football Club app, one of the leading football apps on the market.

Africa CEO Forum

Blue Lions covered the Africa CEO Forum using social media channels to broadcast it to those unable to attend this outstanding event in Abidjan.

Galeries Peyrissac

Yeshi Group trusted Blue Lions with the “premiumization” of one of their most historical brands: Peyrissac. We achieved this goal step-by-step through print and digital campaigns in Abidjan.


Throughout the year, Palmeraie Developpement has trusted Blue Lions with the relaunch of its social media channels and brand content. If you are a die-hard golf fan or just want to take a peek at some gorgeous pictures, like us at:


Christmas campaign for Isilines (Transdev group). By transforming the Paris Gallieni bus station into a Christmas wonderland, we offered astonished passengers a journey they won’t forget. This campaign went viral on Youtube and Facebook, creating hundreds of thousands of views.

Chill with Rehau

To push the #REHAUTHERAPY concept a bit further, we set up 3 relaxation bubbles in the middle of the biggest French train station, the Gare de Lyon. During a full week, thousands of people saw the new product range and had the opportunity to discover what they’re all about for themselves.

Mixa Afrique

Mixa trusted Blue Lions with the launch and management of its Facebook page dedicated to francophone Africa. The page provides great advice and daily doses of life-inspiring content to a super-engaged community. Visual and content production is custom-made for western and central Africa! Have a look here and don’t forget to like it:

Thapelo Paris

Thapelo is a French resort-wear brand that combines the spirit of French couture with innovative and modern design. They trusted Blue Lions with the launch of their new web platform, including the e-shop, fully tailored to international customers. Treat yourself to one of their wonderful pieces here:

Ghana Ministry of Foreign Affairs – First Google Hangout with a Government

Shooting in Nairobi – L’Oréal – Kenya


360° advertising campaign for REHAU Windows – the leader in plastic materials. Campaign set up around the concept of Rehautherapy based on 3 short films talking about the lack of light in a Parisian apartment, a parallel website demonstrating the benefits of having REHAU windows, a Twitter campaign using illustrations, and a street marketing event. Have a look at the films here: and the website here:


Dark and Lovely – Brand Content

Dark and Lovely (Softsheen Carson/L’Oréal) trusted Blue Lions to produce a series of 16 videos in 4 countries: Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. Staring top influencers (in every market – cast by the agency) and local star hairstylists, these videos are the first to provide high-quality hair content on YouTube to consumers in these markets. Click here for a look:

MoneyGram – CAN 2015


Transdev trusted Blue Lions with the management of Eurolines’ social channels to leverage the target’s buying power on social media. Like it at:


MoneyGram – Ramadan 2015

Blue Lions set up digital activations for MoneyGram Africa based on their Facebook page. An ingredient mixing tool was provided to the community to create brand affinity, and a photo contest was launched based on the Iftar table to empower fans during this particular time of the year. Try our ingredient mixer or share your Iftar table here:

AA Club

Blue Lions is a co-founder of the Africa Advertising Club which brings together communications specialists from across the African continent. Join here:


Blue Lions is a proud member of the CIAN which federates french company doing business on the african continent. Discover the CIAN here:


Accor Hotels

Airbus Group





Colas – Bouygues






GNV – Grandi Navi Veloci




Club Med

Yves Rocher



Yeshi Group

Jeune Afrique

Palmeraie Developpement